NTDC Pre-Service Training & SAFE Home Study Evaluations

With over 15 years experience working with children and families; I’m certified to provide SAFE Certified Home Study Assessments for potential foster and/or adoptive parents along with NTDC FCP (previously known as IMPACT training); Pre-Service training required to become an approved foster and/or adoptive parent through the state of Georgia.

Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE) is Consortium for Children’s standardized, uniformed home study methodology that is used to assess individuals applying to become a kinship care provider, a foster parent, an adoptive parent, and/or a guardianship provider. SAFE is used in both private and public agencies in the State of Georgia.

NTDC FCP is a pre-service training program used to prepare prospective foster and adoptive families for their role and to expose them to the basic skills and competencies needed to begin providing foster and adoptive care. This Pre-Service training is required to become approved foster and/or adoptive parent through the state of Georgia.

Does your agency need NTDC Pre-Service Training?

Interested in becoming an approved Foster/Adoptive Parent?